Mimmo Catania

Mimmo Catania, born 1955 in Vittoria, Sicily (Italy), is an Italian painter. He works also as a graphic artist, draftsman, photographer, installation artist and writer.
He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino where he studied painting from 1980 to 1984, and moved after graduation to Berlin where he has been living ever since.
In 1995, he was artist in residence at Art/Omi Artists international Residency, Ghent New York, supported by the Senate of Berlin, in 1996, he spent six months in Israel with a grant from KULTURFONDs Berlin, where he was also invited as a lecturer at the Haifa University, Department of Fine Arts, and at the Wizo College. In 1998, he was artist in residence for six months at the Casa di Goethe, thanks to a grant of the DaimlerCrysler Foundation, Rome.
In 2005, he received the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, New York, and again in 2016.
In 2007, he was artist in residence at the Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, with a grant of the Joan Mitchell Foundation, New York, and in 2008 in Beijing.
Catania mainly works as a painter in oil on canvas. At the beginning of his artistic career, he was strongly influenced by informal art, which allowed him to create artworks in his very own personal style.