Vladimir Semenskiy

Vladimir Semenskiy was born in 1968 in Imantau village, Kazakhstan. In 19991, he graduated from art school, Krasnoturyinsk, Russia. He has studied in Academy of Arts by Ilia Repin in St. Petersburg. The language of Vladimir Semenskiy’s paintings just formally resembles traditional expressionism. Blurred images on canvas resemble the contours of real objects, but are devoid of the usual outlines and are ap proaching not only abstraction, or lyric sketches in the spirit of the early Alexander Labas. For the basis of each image Semensky takes things from the outside world, but transfers them conditionally. His art is not about naturalism, the artist lets the paints flow freely on the canvas and solidify in those forms that literally did not touch the painter’s brush. In his series of works, „Practices of Contemplation”, Vladimir Semenskiy works almost on the edge of figurative and abstract painting. Starting from the specific objects of the outside world, the artist transfers their images to the thin fabric of the canvas, allowing the paints to spread and fill the necessary space. Materiality disappears, there is no need to „guess” the content, the aspect of abstract perception comes to the fore. Figurativeness becomes only a subtle hint, appealing to the inner mood of each viewer. Just as the artist deliberately „discards” the challenge of copying the surrounding reality, we should also give preference to our feelings, not to intelligence. The works of Vladimir Semenskiy do not put the viewer in an awkward position, forcing him to unravel and learn their secret meaning, they only offer to observe and enjoy the contemplation, without being distracted by the restless shell of the outside world. As Semenskiy himself says: „Painting is not just a material. Painting is an immersion in the process itself. And it is impossible to control it. Either there is an author and his work, or there is a process in which the author himself is absent, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. There is the process itself and nothing else. It is very difficult to put an idea there. Because if you try to do it, it immediately begins to prevent you being in this process.” Vladimir Semenskiy lives and works in Moscow and Sevastopol.

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